Course content and reading lists

Note: .html i .Rmd formats can be accessed from the repository.

Lecture 01: Course introduction

  • General course information
  • Objectives of the course
  • Course Literature
  • Data and resources

Format: .html | .rmd
Readings: thoroughly check the course website/resources

Lecture 03: Data Science Prerequisites

  • Fetching data
  • Storing data
  • Manipulating
  • Analytics
  • Reporting

Format: .html | .md
Readings: +

Lecture 04: R syntax refresher

  • What is R
  • Interactive calculations
  • The help system
  • Interactive session
  • Statistics
  • The package system
  • Data structures in R
  • Probability distributions
  • Scripts and data files
  • Looping
  • Functtions and environments
  • apply functions
  • Vectorized functions vs loops

Format: .html | .Rmd
Readings: +

Lecture 05: Methods for social media analysis I (statistics)

  • Descriptive statistics
  • Comparing means
  • Categorical analysis
  • Linear regression

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Lecture 06: Methods for social media analysis II (Machine Learning)

  • General Machine Learning
  • Modeling process
  • Feature and target engeneering

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Čitanje: I, II and III Chapter of the book

Lecture 07: Methods for social media analysis III (time series, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks)

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Čitanje: + +

Lecture 08: General principles of digital marketing (key performance indicators, search engine optimization, social media listening)

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Čitanje: + +

Lecture 09: Twitter - trend formation and event detection

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Čitanje: + +

Lecture 10: Facebook - analysis of the institutional, political and brand reach

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Čitanje: + +

Lecture 11: Instagram - influencer market space and image recognition

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Čitanje: + +

Lecture 12: LinkedIn - business network and geolocation analysis

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Čitanje: + +

Lecture 13: Online portals and forums - text analysis and application od NLP methods

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Čitanje: + +

Lecture 14: Traditional media (newspaper, TV, radio) - public sentiment analysis and opinion polarity

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Čitanje: + +